HTML5 Showcase

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Creative Studio Services



Ad Creation





Ad Consultation

Copywriting and editing

Image selection

Custom image creation

Ad creation from pre or post
concept stage

Building additional sizes

Rich media unit creation

Trimming and stitching

Adding captions

Adding logos, text, or CTAs

QR Codes for CTV

Script writing

Audio & music editing

Final composition production

Whether we're using existing assets or starting from scratch, our team builds native, display, video or audio ads that your audience can't help but pay attention to.

Have your creatives reviewed by our team to receive data-driven recommendations for optimized campaign performance and A/B testing.

Users get the full picture with this swipeable unit that showcases multiple product shots to create a 360 view of an object or landscape. The interactivity drives brand recall and elevates banners from boring to captivating.

360 View

Rich Media Ads

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

The advertiser will need to provide the product images. A minimum of 20 images from all angles of the object is recommended for a full 360 view, while 36 is the ideal number of images for a seamless interaction


Deliver a highly immersive experience through 3D interactive content to bring a brand or product to life. Click, drag and scroll to view an object from all angles, bridging the gap between digital and hands-on experiences.

3D Models

Rich Media Ads

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

3D assets can be provided by the advertiser or sourced by the Creative Studio team


Show a variety of products or services to gather interest from more consumers. Carousels are highly customizable, with a number of options for navigation, frame transitions, timing and more.



Rich Media Ads

What you need to know:

Avg CTR: 0.24%

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Ideal for brands that have an assortment of products, services or messages

Each item can click out to different landing pages, making it easy for consumers to make a swift purchase

The carousel can cycle through automatically, showcasing products without relying on the user to interact


Food & Drink




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Click for Sound

Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.25%

Transform the banner experience to be dual-sensory, delighting users with both visuals and audio. Users have full control of the sound toggle, eliminating any surprising disruptions to their browsing.

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Banner is muted upon load, toggle interactions can be tracked via pixels and in Reporting in StackAdapt

Ideal as a companion to a video campaign. Using sounds that match a video from a website or prospecting creative connects all the pieces of a brand together for a user


Hobbies & Leisure

Client: Pictured Rocks Kayaking | Travel & Tourism

Click for Sound

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A dynamic countdown unit can help create a sense of urgency for your audience to perform an action. Consider adding an "Add to Calendar" button, which allows users to save the date directly from the ad to Google, iCal, Yahoo or Windows Live.


Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.16%

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Can count down or up to a specific date and time

Consider leveraging as a prospecting tactic for tentpole events and sales, or add onto retargeting strategies to remind website visitors why they shouldn't wait to take action





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Whether it's a car, smartphone or show being promoted, invite users to engage with your brand and explore product variations with the colour palette format.

Showcasing colour options will expand the appeal of your offerings to more audiences and give users the power to envision your products exactly as they want them.

Colour Palette

Rich Media Ads

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Ideal for e-commerce, home and garden, retail and CPG

Leverage for a prospecting strategy for new arrivals, a mid-funnel strategy based on general product page retargeting or a lower funnel strategy to grow an audience pool

Avg CTR: 0.22%



Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.15%

An advertiser may need to display legal information alongside their core message. These units allow for a discreet disclaimer on hover, or an auto-scrolling ISI ensuring legal compliance without taking away from the creative's aesthetic appeal.

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Ideal for political, healthcare, sensitive and financial services

Disclaimer can be viewable upon load or hidden within a hover interaction


Financial Services




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Discover preferences and perceptions of your target audience with discovery ads. Discovery ads enable users to respond to a question by way of buttons, a checklist or a dropdown menu, allowing you to retarget users based on their responses.

By integrating engagement-based options, you can report on responses using the Conversion Journey in the StackAdapt platform .


Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.19%

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Can be leveraged for brand lift or persuasion studies

Can be branded or unbranded depending on the strategy

Users can be collected into retargeting pools for future campaigns

$5k per survey line item is recommended for best results for brand
studies (exposed vs. unexposed)


Food & Drink


Arts & Entertainment


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Rich Media Ads

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Available for native or display

Pixel-based soltuion; no manual feed set up required

Ideal for e-commerce, consumer goods and automotive brands

Display creatives can be fully customized, including rich media animations and/or interactions

StackAdapt's dynamic retargeting generates highly customized display and native ads. This enables marketers to serve ads based on the viewer's prior website engagement and activity, to deliver ads that have the greatest odds of creating conversions, web traffic and impact.


Dynamic Display Ad


Add an extra layer of personalization to your creatives with dynamic time and location elements. By reaching users when and where they are, advertisers can show consumers that's they're listening and have products or solutions that meet their localized needs.

Dynamic Time/City

Rich Media Ads

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Does not leverage personal or protected information

Ideal for brands that have many locations or service areas




People & Society

Financial Services

Dynamic Time/City

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Bring lead generation from the landing page right into a banner ad, removing one step from the conversion journey. User privacy is protected as no information is collected or stored in the StackAdapt platform.

Form Fill

Rich Media Ads

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Leverages 3rd-party providers for the form fill, giving the advertiser full control over the collected data

Ideal for cause marketing and lead generation campaigns





Form Fill

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Standard display sizes offer limited real estate to showcase products and features. Hot spot units encourage user engagement and allow an advertiser to include more information without cluttering the design.

Showcase the different features of one product or shop a scene of products with the ability for each hot spot to click out to separate, trackable landing pages.

Hot Spot

Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.16%

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Clicks are the only interaction that can be reported on, with the ability to report on individual hot spots if desired

Ideal for most verticals, specifically for brands that have products with multiple features or product lines with multiple purchase options



Client: Healthcare




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Utilize video assets in display inventory to generate lasting impressions. These units are ideal for brands that want to extend video reach outside of the in-stream environment or those who want to take their standard display banners to the next level.

In-Banner Video

Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.19%

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Sound can be added and the banner will load muted to avoid a disruptive experience

The Creative Studio team can create or source video assets for brands that do not already have them

Video completions are not tracked within the banner environment



Healthy Living


Travel & Tourism

In Banner Video

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Level up your interactive ads with games that drive audience engagement, brand recall and conversions. Consider leveraging this playable format with StackAdapt's rewarded video placements, where users receive an item of value in exchange for viewing an ad. Your audience will be more receptive to your playable ad because they've opted in to the experience and are already immersed in their mobile device.

Playable Ads (Beta)

Rich Media Ads

What you need to know:

Ideal in a rewarded video placement

Games are fully customized to your brand guidelines

Playable ads can include a video pre-roll or end card to promote the brand awareness or engagement



Scratch to Reveal

Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.15%

Make coupon codes or product reveals more fun! Scratch over a specific part of the ad to reveal a new image underneath. On mobile, the unit functions on touch. On desktop, it functions when a cursor hovers.

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Ideal for e-commerce, CPG and retail, automotive, food and drink

Consider leveraging in a prospecting campaign to unveil a new product or as a retargeting strategy to encourage purchases with a promotion



Consumer Goods


Scratch to Reveal

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Automotive Services

Shopify® Feed

Rich Media Ads

The Shopify® feed unit is a seamless and effective way to repurpose the inventory from your e-commerce website into engaging ad units. Showcasse products to drive more sales with the ability to pull either the entire store inventory, or certain collections of products.

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile, only for brands leveraging Shopify®

Products are pulled at random and will refresh upon each impression

Each product can lead to their designated product page, with the option of including a UTM string

Track purchases by adding a conversion pixel on the checkout page to determine ROAS


Shoppable Video

Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.18%

Shoppable video ads reduce the steps between awareness and conversion, simultaneously showcasing products in use while allowing the user to browse right in the banner. Products can click out directly to their individual pages for a frictionless shopping experience.

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile, but ideal for desktop

Ideal for home and garden, e-commerce, retail and CPG, healthy living or any brands with products showcased via video



Rich Media Ads

Avg CTR: 0.19%

A slider ad is the perfect way to compare products, services or before and after scenarios. Showcase stark differences or highlight similarities in a simple and engaging format.

What you need to know:

Runs on desktop and mobile

Ideal for home and garden, retail and CPG, sensitive, healthy living or people and society



Home & Garden


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Ready to get started?

Contact your StackAdapt Representative, or fill out the form to connect with your designated Creative Strategist.

Copy of HTML5 Capabilities

By jess_creativestudio

Copy of HTML5 Capabilities

A snapshot of HTML5 Rich Media Ads from the Creative Studio. All ads are made custom to meet your brand guidelines and campaign goals. Contact your StackAdapt Representative to get started.

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