
eCommerce Ad Formats

Shopify Product Feed

Display Shopify® products to drive more sales, using rich media ads to pull either the entire inventory, or certain collections of products.

Key Capabilities

• Products are pulled at random and will refresh upon each impression

• Each product can lead to their designated product page, with the option of including a UTM string

• Track purchases with adding a conversion pixel on the checkout page to determine ROAS

Dynamic Retargeting

Remind the consumer of a product they may have left behind at the checkout page, or even the last product they viewed on a site to boost conversion rates.

Key Capabilities

• Products that are dynamically pulled, can be combined with predetermined items to increase units per transaction

• Functional across any eCommerce platform

• Available in Display and Native formats

Scratch to Reveal

This interactive unit allows to entice a feeling of surprise with revealing a new product, or a promo for an added incentive to shop now.

Key Capabilities

• Can work in combination with Dynamic Retargeting or the Shopify Product Feed

• Hover interaction functions as a swipe on mobile inventory

• Great addition to high traffic sales times, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday etc.

Shoppable Video

Showcase products in action, with quick links leading to individual product pages for a friendly and visual shopping experience.

Key Capabilities

• Can work in combination with the Shopify Product Feed

• Click trackers can be added to the products in the carousel as well as a general click for the video area

• Consider running as a mid-funnel tactic, and retarget off of CTV or digital video views

Hot Spots

This ad format allows for users to Shop the Look, or Shop the Room to see how products can come together to create tailored style combinations.

Key Capabilities

• A great alternative to Shoppable video if there are minimal video assets

• Allows for an increased units per transaction

• Ideal for eCommerce style trends, new arrivals, and/or seasonal items.

Discovery Ads

Discover preferences and perceptions of your target audience with discovery ads.

Report on responses and collect difference audience buckets using Conversion Journey.

Key Capabilities

• Option to be branded, or anonymous as a Brand Lift Study.

• Provides the option to retarget users based on answers

• Customization to ask any question, and/or offer an incentive based on their responses.

Creative Studio

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